Your sanctuary for somatic education, deep healing

and community connection.

We teach helpers, healers and practitioners a simple system

that resolves self sabotaging trauma patterns within themselves

so they can facilitate the healing of others

~ without over giving, burning out and going broke.

Learn how to work with unresolved trauma

in a simple and safe way that builds resiliency and

leads to improved self awareness and empowerment.


First in yourself, then in your clients.


The Somagetics Sanctuary

Join our free community exclusively for helpers, healers, therapists and practitioners that are passionate about deep healing and transformation.

Inside our community you'll find numerous courses and resources to support you on your personal healing journey and tools you can use when helping others to heal unresolved trauma.

Personal Healing

Level One of the

Trauma Energetics Coaching Program

Embrace the call to heal yourself and become a catalyst for the healing of others. Healing your trauma patterns will forever change your life and leave a lasting legacy of love, growth, and healing for others.

Join us to learn the foundational concepts of somatic trauma healing that allow you to break free from limitations and reignite your true potential.

For 1:1 individual healing sessions you can find a Certified Trauma Energetics Coach HERE.

Professional Skills

Level Two of the

Trauma Energetics Coaching Program

Get Certified! The Trauma Energetics Coach (TEC) Certification Program offers you a unique opportunity to unlock the art and science of transmuting stagnant energy into vibrant aliveness. It can be used as a standalone or easily integrated with other techniques.

The TEC Certification Program provides all the tools you need to build a successful practice helping people heal trauma patterns that keep them from thriving.

You are being called to a healing journey.

Your soul is ready to journey deep. It's telling you that you have the incredible power to create positive change, both within yourself and in the lives of others.

By nurturing your own healing, you become an unstoppable force capable of uplifting those around you.

It's time to answer the call and embark on a profound journey of self-healing that will resonate far beyond your own transformation.

Sign Up Now

Dive into the world of trauma-informed, energy-based healing. Subscribe now and receive regular doses of inspiration, education, and empowerment.

Your time is now. Embrace the call to heal yourself and become a catalyst for the healing of others. Step into the transformative power that lies within you.

Together, let's embark on a journey that will forever change lives and leave a lasting legacy of love, growth, and healing.