Coming Out of the Closet

I'm Coming Out of the Closet

July 20, 20247 min read

I'm coming out of the closet. The spiritual closet, that is. I am heeding the call to open up and share aspects of my journey and my spiritual experiences that I've kept hidden until now. This is scary and super uncomfortable for me, but I am doing this now because I am no longer willing to hide or play safe. I hope it inspires you to embrace and share your truths.

I am psychic. I cringe with discomfort as I write the word "psychic." I prefer to use the term "intuitive." This, in itself, is likely not a revelation for most of my friends and clients. I share intuitive hits sometimes, but I hold back far more than I share.

Of course, everyone possesses the natural capacity for intuition. What sets my journey apart is the depth of my experiences and the extent to which I've suppressed and concealed them, even from those closest to me. In fact, I didn't share most of this with my husband until we were married for 7 years!

There's a lot to the story. I will share a bit here, and I may share more specific details later if anyone is interested. For now, I want to explain what I feel is more important than the details of my story: how I've used this ability to radically improve my life and how I'm now using it to help others.

I call it the "spiritual closet" because the most crucial intuitive "knowing" that I have and from messages I get from spirit is this: we are divine spiritual beings having a human experience.

I know, duh….. We are spirits having a human experience. This is obvious for many. People close to me have heard me say this countless times. And yes, this concept has always been foundational in my work and teachings. But I have avoided being bold with this truth. I only whispered it softly and strategically, only when I felt safe to do so.

I've been hiding behind the "science," the appropriate or accepted norm, the politically correct narrative.

I have been playing safe and small to avoid offending or scaring people. And I must admit I have a big fear of being laughed at or rejected.

Now, I'm shedding this cloak of caution. I can no longer let this fear and discomfort keep me from living my purpose.

I came here to reclaim this truth for myself, to be an example, and to teach it to others. Knowing this truth is no longer enough. It is time for us all to LIVE from this truth in a radically different way than we have been living.

I am ready to be open and authentic, sharing the truth of my experiences and the messages I receive with the world despite the fear of being laughed at, rejected, and losing clients and friends.

Here I am coming out. What I've hidden in a nutshell:

  • I was born with memories of being from another world and memories of past lives on earth.

  • In early childhood, I had some UFO/alien abduction experiences. Some were absolutely terrifying, and others wonderful and miraculous.

  • I received hypnotherapy sessions to help me understand and cope with these encounters. Soon after starting, I began channeling messages about the future from a group of spirits and galactic beings.

  • My most powerful and meaningful experiences have been with Jesus and Mother Mary. I've also experienced other extraordinary beings, angels, and master teachers, but Jesus remains my most beloved teacher.

  • Since childhood, I could often sense when someone was sick, physically feeling what they were feeling, and sometimes knew what was wrong before they got a diagnosis; blood clots, tooth infections, colon blockages, and blood disorders are some examples.

  • I did readings for years and made a living doing professional readings for a psychic hotline.

  • I stopped doing the "psychic" readings and started to repress and deny my experiences and gifts for many reasons after some traumatic experiences.

  • After learning how to heal my own trauma, I became a trauma therapist to help others heal their personal traumas and to help us collectively heal from generational trauma.

  • As a trauma therapist, I continued to get psychic impressions and intuitive hits in client sessions, but I haven't shared most of them (until recently).

  • The messages are so loud and powerful that I can no longer hide or repress them. I must share what I'm experiencing and teach others how to hear these messages for themselves.

Okay—it's out. There were no lightning strikes….. phew!

It's so crazy. My logical brain knows that millions have the same beliefs and thousands, if not millions have had similar experiences. I know that it is no longer the taboo topic it was when I was younger. Channeling galactic beings with messages for humanity is a thing! Other people do this. Yet, the fear is BIG. I feel it all over my body. So, I'm riding this massive wave of discomfort, allowing myself to feel it and release it.

So, what now?

I'm speaking up. In the past, I would take note of the intuitive hits I get during client sessions but not say anything out loud. I intended to hold space and support clients in coming to their own understanding in their own time. As a midwife, I learned how to trust the process and allow it to unfold in its own time. It was easy to patiently wait, stay in the mystery of the process, and watch it unfold, interfering only when necessary for safety. I still believe that there is a time and place for this way of supporting people.

The messages coming through now are urgent, and I can no longer ignore them. I know I can use my intuition and the messages from these guides to help people see things they haven't seen and open up to possibilities they haven't yet considered, making the healing and growth process significantly faster. This realization has fueled my decision to bring this work into client sessions.

The message from these beings is loud and clear: NOW is the time.

The time is NOW to transform the trauma and the wounds that have plagued humanity for thousands of years.

It's time NOW to release the fear that has kept us from knowing our true power and potential as eternal beings.

The time is NOW to claim the truth of who we are.

As we heal ourselves, we heal the past generational trauma and influence our future selves, changing the trajectory of humanity. Fear and unresolved trauma have kept us from realizing our full potential as divine beings and co-creating our reality with God.

So now that I'm out of the closet, I'm bringing this intuitive work into client sessions for those who know it's an option and ask for it.

In the last few months, I've intentionally used intuition in sessions, proving how useful and empowering it can be. It speeds up the healing process, which would happen anyway, but let's get it done faster. We still have to allow the process to unfold, but why not make a quantum leap instead of a slow crawl?

If you've read this far, I want to thank you. If you follow my work or are part of the Somagetics Community, you can expect more content focused on spiritual growth and intuitive development. My intention is to continue to support you with somatic and energetic tools to help you heal your trauma, but moving forward, I'm not going to ignore my intuitive hits. I'm going to speak up to speed things up. And I want to teach you how to open your channels of tuition so you can access the divine wisdom within you.

I realize that some of my clients will no longer want to work with me, and I am okay with that. I am following my internal guidance and trusting that there are people who will resonate with this and want to explore it with me.

If you would like to talk with me and learn how I can help you, schedule a free 20-minute Introductory Call with me using the following link: 

For past and currently active clients, you can schedule a 60-minute session with me here: 

To be clear, I am not interested in doing readings. I am only interested in using this ability to tune into your higher self and/or your guides to give you information that will assist you in your healing and spiritual growth. So please reach out if you feel an intuitive sense of connecting with me.

Much love to you all,


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Kimberly Ward

Kimberly is the CEO and Founder of Somagetics. She has been working as a holistic practitioner for over 30 years. She combines her skills as a Functional Nutritional Practitioner and Somatic Trauma Therapist to help her clients achieve optimal health. Her true passion is teaching people how to resolve past trauma that is at the root of physical and mental disease. In addition to seeing clients in her private practice she is the Founder and CEO of Somagetics where she serves as a lead instructor and facilitator in the Trauma Energetics Coaching Certification Program.

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