science of safety blog

The Science of Safety: Cultivating a Regulated Nervous System

October 12, 20245 min read

In today’s world, many of us live in a constant state of vigilance—whether it’s hyper-vigilance (fight-flight) or hypo-vigilance (freeze). The demands of life, unresolved trauma, and challenging relationships often leave us feeling disconnected from ourselves and others. The question is, how do we move beyond survival mode and into a space where we can truly thrive? One answer lies in understanding the science of safety, a concept rooted in the Polyvagal Theory.

What Is the Polyvagal Theory?

The Polyvagal Theory developed by Dr. Stephen Porges explains how our nervous system governs our responses to safety and threat. At its core, it highlights three primary states:

  1. Ventral Vagal – Our state of calm, connection, and social engagement. This is where healing, creativity, and growth occur.

  2. Sympathetic Nervous System – The fight-flight response, which is triggered when we perceive danger. It can cause anxiety, agitation, or an overwhelming need to escape.

  3. Dorsal Vagal – The freeze or shutdown response, often linked to feelings of hopelessness, disconnection, and isolation.

When our nervous system is regulated, we can move through these states fluidly, returning to a place of calm and connection after a stressor. However, when trauma, chronic stress, or unresolved emotional pain interfere, we may find ourselves stuck in fight-flight or freeze mode. This dysregulation keeps us from living fully, impacting our physical health, emotional well-being, and relationships.

Why Is Cultivating Safety Important?

At the heart of healing—whether it's physical, emotional, or spiritual—is the ability to feel safe. Without a sense of safety, our body cannot fully relax, our mind cannot fully focus, and our spirit cannot expand into its potential. According to the Polyvagal Theory, the ventral vagal state is where true healing happens. It is here, in this state of safety and connection, that we can begin to heal from trauma, create meaningful relationships, and live from a place of empowerment rather than survival.

Yet many of us are disconnected from this sense of safety. We’re either in a hyper-vigilant state—constantly scanning for threats—or we’ve shut down, feeling numb and disconnected from life. Both of these states take a toll on our physical health, leaving us susceptible to illness, chronic pain, and fatigue.

The good news is that we can learn to cultivate safety, both within our own bodies and in our relationships with others.

How to Cultivate a Sense of Safety

  1. Tune Into Your Body: Begin by paying attention to the sensations in your body. Are you tense? Is your breath shallow? Learning to recognize your body’s signals is the first step in restoring regulation. Gentle practices such as somatic awareness, meditation, or breath work can help you reconnect with your body in a safe and supportive way.

  2. Co-Regulation: We are wired for connection. One of the most powerful ways to feel safe is through co-regulation, which occurs when we feel safe and connected with another person. Whether it’s through eye contact, a comforting touch, or even a compassionate conversation, human connection is a key factor in calming our nervous system.

  3. Safe Spaces: Create environments that feel safe and nurturing. This can be physical spaces, like your home or a favorite place in nature, or emotional spaces, like a supportive community. Feeling safe in your surroundings helps your nervous system relax and shift into a state of regulation.

  4. Self-Compassion: When we’re in a dysregulated state, it’s easy to be hard on ourselves. Practicing self-compassion allows us to bring kindness to our nervous system and creates an internal sense of safety.

  5. Energy Healing: Energy healing practices can help regulate the nervous system by restoring balance and calm to your body’s energy field. Simple energy techniques work can clear blocked energy and promote a deeper sense of safety within your body. By working with the body’s energy, we can release the stored trauma that keeps us in fight-flight or freeze mode, opening the door to healing on a profound level. Many people find that integrating energy healing into their self-care routine helps them reconnect with their body’s innate wisdom and shift into a regulated state more easily.

Why Safety is Key to Healing

Once we’ve mastered the ability to create safety in our body and within our relationships, everything changes. The body’s ability to heal physically is enhanced because we are no longer in a constant state of threat. We can begin to let go of the defensive patterns that have kept us stuck, and our natural capacity for healing is activated.

From this place of safety, you’ll notice that not only does your physical health improve, but your relationships deepen, your emotional well-being strengthens, and life feels more fulfilling. It is here that true transformation begins.


Stephen Porges and the Polyvagal Theory
Applications of the Polyvagal Theory in Therapy

If this resonates with you, I invite you to join me in the Somagetics Sanctuary, a community where you’ll find free trainings, live workshops, and the support of others on the healing journey. Click HERE to join.


You can find some excellent videos on how to cultivate safety on our Youtube Channel HERE.

Join Us for our monthly Healing From Within Workshop

If this content resonates with you, I invite you to join us for the next Healing From Within Workshop, titled "The Science of Safety.”

If you’ve never joined our workshops here’s what you can expect:

  • New Insights and Skills: Every session begins with a concise yet impactful teaching on a unique topic related to Somatic Trauma Resolution and Energetic Healing Techniques.

  • Interactive Discussion: We open it up for group discussion, community connection and Q&A.

  • Live Coaching Experience: Following the discussion we open the floor for live coaching sessions. This is a unique opportunity for participants to experience Trauma Energetics Coaching firsthand.

Date of the next workshop: Thursday, October 17, 3-4:30pm Central Time

Register here:

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Kimberly Ward

Kimberly is the CEO and Founder of Somagetics. She has been working as a holistic practitioner for over 25 years. She combines her skills as a Functional Nutritional Practitioner and Somatic Trauma Therapist to help her clients achieve optimal health. Her true passion is teaching people how to resolve past trauma that is at the root of physical and mental disease. In addition to seeing clients in her private practice she is the Founder and CEO of Somagetics where she serves as a lead instructor and facilitator in the Trauma Energetics Coaching Certification Program.

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